When Music Was Our Mortar And Melody Cement

We will always have the music swapped on chrome cassettes
from a time when our chemistry burned like cigarettes
your cherry in the dark, as you suck and sigh content
when music was our mortar and melody cement

When music was our mortar and melody cement
I reached out and touched your cheek and with no reason to repent
You cried,’wait, now hear this tune it thrills and stirs my soul’
In these melodic moments you were my rock ‘n’ roll

In these melodic moments you were my rock ‘n’ roll
a siren-song so certain, so strong I lost control
as the capstan feeds the head and I spin around
To the swagger of your beauty ‘til I’m foundering in sound

To the swagger of your beauty until I’m foundering in sound
a splash of oscillating waves in which lesser boys have drowned
but then, the silent thrust of concerted Adrenalin
and on the surface music has taken you from me again

On the surface the music has taken you from me again
and beneath its waves lie the profound mysteries of men
When the veneer of close acquaintance has finally been stripped
We will always have the music dusty in its cardboard crypt

We will always have the music dusty in its cardboard crypt
catalogued rebel yellowing card in a once familiar script
By the sound of it our life distils to a litany of upsets
But we always have the music swapped on chrome cassettes

We will always have the music swapped on chrome cassette
In ninety minute moments, and me with a life’s regret
‘listen to this, it’s great’ was the sum of all you meant
when music was our mortar and melody our cement.

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